Wednesday, May 26, 2010

DIY Flower Bouquet

My Mommy's Mother's Day Flowers are just about wilting and ready to be thrown out. But I must say, it had a long and good life. For just $9.99 plus other greeneries from my front and backyard, I arranged my mom's mother's day gift.

As someone with limited funds (yep, that's me), frugal fancies comes in handy. Ordering an arrangement of flowers are pretty, no lies. I love it when my boyfriend buys me a bouquet of Gerber daises! But if you want save over $50 of imported exotic rose arrangements, you can easily do it yourself, here's what i did...

DIY Flower bouquet:
1) Get a dozen of roses from your local farmer's market or grocery store

2) Focus on 2 colors, this will make your flowers stand-out (in my case, pink and green!)

3) From your yard, cut out a variety of long stems from different types of plants that can be arranged with your roses
(I used extra bamboo plants I had lying around, and leafy things in my front yard)

Find a vase or anything that can hold your greenery (vase, pitcher, a large cup)

5) Arrange your flowers! Some roses or green fillers maybe me taller than others. Follow a picture for inspiration like this one:

Jeff Leatham, an amazing young florist.

Tip: Bunch your roses together, then use your fillers (ferns, longs greens) to wrap your bundle of roses.

6) Once your flowers are arranged, the bottom will be all uneven. Cut the bottom of your bundle so that it is even.

7) Place your bundle in your vase and there you go!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Entry Everrrr

Couple weeks ago, I went with some of the girls, Connie and Kelly, to the Tea Festival hosted at Royal-T in Culver City.

We met the Tea Architect himself, Robert Wemischner, at a workshop called, The Tea Architect: Cooking with Tea. This guy literally cooks with tea!

While I exchanged a few sentences with Robert, he asked,

"Do you have a blog?"


No, I did not. I have always thought about having a blog. But I never thought about ever starting one and what would I write about that millions of other bloggers and foodies aren't already writing about. So I decided to do the hardest thing ever, to be myself. If you don't know me, then there are 2 things you should know about me:

1) I love sweets

2) I love designs

And this is what my blog will be all about.

So Robert Wemischner, thank you for your question, you have initiated my first entry everrrr.